Tattoo Lotion Don’t Cut It

Tattoo Lotion Don’t Cut It

Tattoo Lotion Don’t Cut It

Go ahead, look at the lotion bottle.  Don’t be shy. Take a peek at that label.  Now try to pronounce half the ingredients. I’ll betcha water is a main ingredient, followed by words you’ve never seen on a spelling list…right?  And this, dear students, is why conventional lotion just won’t cut it.

Your tattoo, especially if it’s fresh, needs deep moisturizing, organic and natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory, microbial and healing properties—you ain’t gonna find that in lotion, my friends.  Don’t pump chemicals into your skin with the lotion you’ve been brainwashed with as being an aftercare product for your newly traumatized and gloriously inked skin. Be responsible to your body, preserve that ink, and heal in half the time, naturally, with Surly Sam’s Tattoo Care.  Your skin will thank you.

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